Latest M3~~

Finally it comes to weekend, thats why im feel free to be here,hehe..

I have been started work in BMM in a week time, and because of lucky, i will have 1week long holiday for my very first start in first job where im in,LOL...

For my department, temporary left 4people, included me. As im stil new, so i cant even help on some complicated case. At the very first few days, i really felt damn pressure and helpless, i seem so blur when attended meeting, when they were talking about specific term and people to be contacted. And and i have been introduced to whole company department staff, included company client and sub-con. Frankly said, i really can't even recognize them although i got the chance to shake hand and said a simple Hello to them,hehe..Futhermore, i really gona mad to do with the mail that receiving and sending evyday on work. How come we need to cc here and there, so frustrated to do that.I have no choice though, just can follow with the effort to deal it well.

This few days, i saw my supervisor been so busy and stayed in office until midnite, it shocked me indeed. I was like worried,"is it the planner job is so work load and tiredness??" damn... and thats why i was damn pressure when first in. And also maybe caused by high turn-over in my department, dued to experienced staff were resigned off one by one recently. therefore i really need to pick-up fast and catch up with them as soon as possible. I hope i can......

In 5days time, i have learned lots new things.Yet, I brought back company lappie for me to continue pratise, if not i think mostly i will forget most of the planning procedure after back from long holiday,LOL.. Up to the moment now, i will try my best to work hard and gain some experience from, i plan to stay in the company within 1-2years time. In the mean time, i will maybe take Japannese language course, as it may smoothing my conversation in special cases.All the best to me in BMM in future days ahead, jiayouuuuuuuu:p

For my long holiday, i will going SG to have nice Japanese food with mum and sis. Then continue shop around for my office wear,hehe.. At first plan to spare out some days to travel KL and find my beloved gang and my Mr.Y. Unfortunately, he not free and there is no extra space for me to overnite, so I will just stay in JB after SG trip, use the precious time to gather with JB gang and paper work then:)

Mr. Y, knew you almost 1month, as you said, you have so many plan to be completed. Although i can't even understand wats so complicated for you, just hope that our commitment between each will continue exist til then k.. Thanks for everything, your care and support really bright up me.. LU>.<

Last but not least,
hope evyone will enjoy their holiday
with full of joy and love, lalalalala.....

1 Response
  1. 诗情话义 Says:

    Though inevitable ups and downs are ahead of you, I strongly believe that you can cope well with them as you always do :) And by the way, I'm not so sure with the windchime stuff, i just copy and paste to my blog, I guess maybe it's different template setting that's why yours and my windchimes turn out to be different :P Hope you enjoy your raya holiday, and don't feel so blue since gonna start work very tomorrow, cheer up mui, everything will be just fine and bright for you :D